Yeasted Tea Cake

Yeasted Tea Cake
Yeasted Tea Cake


  • 450g bread flour
  • 5g dried yeast
  • 60g softened butter
  • 1 tsp. caster sugar
  • 150ml warm milk
  • 150ml warm water
  • 1 egg


  • Electric mixer with dough hook
  • Baking tray


1.        Sift flour and salt into bowl of mixer.
2.       Add the butter and mix on lowest speed until the butter is combined and the texture resembles a fine crumb
3.       In a small, warmed bowl mix the sugar, yeast, milk and warm water.
4.       Let stand for 10 – 15 min. for yeast to start.
5.       Add yeast mix to flour mix and kneed for 4 minutes with mixer on low.
6.       Turn out dough on a floured board and divide into two small balls
7.       Place balls on greased baking tray.
8.       Cover with clean tea-towel and allow to rise for 50 min. or until doubled in size
9.       Pre-heat oven to 220 degrees Celsius
10.   Glaze each cake with beaten egg.
11.   Bake for 15-20 min.
12.   Serve warm or cool with butter and jam

Hammerton, J. A. (1920). Harmsworth's household encyclopedia: A practical guide to all home crafts written by the leading experts of the day and containing upwards of 15,000 illustrations. London: Harmsworth Encyclopedias.


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